A Dark Cloud hides the light meant to reach us,
The light meant to teach us,
The light meant to feed us.
Life, our very spirit, can be lifted by moments which bring light to our eyes, our heart and soul. In the dark we search for light or surrender to it by closing our eyes, praying dreams will carry us into the light of a new day, hoping to evade nightmares in the hours of darkness.
In chapter eleven of Follow His Lead, a wise chaplain tries to explain the meaning of Dark Clouds to a young soldier after they became victims of a narcissistic bully who disparaged both with insults just to entertain a friend and feed his own ego. Much like a vampire, who consumes the blood of the living, the narcissist needs his routine shaming of others to feed his voracious appetite.
The chaplain uses a patch of mud to draw his message before explaining it to the soldier.
“So for instance, this cloud here. The moisture rises from the lake below to feed the cloud. A good cloud takes what it needs to provide shade and moisture to those in peace lying below. But the dark cloud, it keeps taking and taking all the moisture it can, but with no regard for those who could be impacted below. Inside this dark cloud are constant struggles, and when they become too heavy, their negative energy is released in violent ways upon the land, causing lightning storms, floods, suffering. The overwhelming turmoil within that dark cloud dominates all it touches.”
After a short discussion, the chaplain provides his assessment of the bully to the soldier.
“Some person of influence sparked that big ego. Possibly it was a father who was never satisfied with his son’s efforts. The boy brings home an A on his report card, and the father says it should have been an A-plus, or the boy wins a prize and the father only scoffs. Those who take pleasure in putting down others normally have serious issues from childhood.”
History tends to repeat itself, until someone stands up to the bully hidden in the darkness.